
Seeking the sound theoretical science of sight and the mind, with a proportional mathematic method to make the leading twelve.

Design is entrenched in the machine; the software and programs. Ruled by numbers and precision. And yet, the decision making process of the creative mind is so fluid and equally restrained by the need to conform to this rigorous environment.

This book sets out to resolve the numbers in the world of typography and layout, to give the answers that work and scale infinitely and proportionally with insight and sound scientific, considered theory. To solve the solution to what the leading should be; to define the baseline; the margins, columns, type hierarchy and the ilk. To expose the grid behind the layout. To dismiss the vague and broad definitions. To be specific.

The cover of the Be Specific book set in white type on a hardback blue cover
A detail from the introduction of the book promoting it’s not all words
A printed spread from the Be Specific book on typographic methodology featuring the opening part one chapter page
A detailed shot from one of the Gestalt principles of continuation held open
A detailed shot from one of the spreads featuring an overlay of grids demonstrating alignment to the content
A spread from Chapter two of the Be Specific book held open with a large typographic numeral filling the right hand page
A spread from the Be Specific book held open with the same design across two pages while the right hand page details the grid used in it’s construction
An editorial spread from the Be Specific book held open with the same design across two pages while the right hand page details the grid used in it’s construction
A large opening title page from the Be Specific book showing the grid on one side and the final design on the other in plain black
A detailed macro shot from one of the examples demonstrating alignment of content to the grid
A detailed shot of a design illustrating the alignment of content to a grid structure with one side in blue and the other in black
A spread from the Be Specific book featuring a typographic layout of a cover on one side and the same with a visible grid detailing the layout of the design
A detailed shot from one of the spreads featuring an overlay of grids demonstrating alignment to the content
Flicking through the pages of the Be Specific book detailing one of the formulas used to define the grid
A detailed shot from one of the spreads featuring an overlay of grids demonstrating alignment to the content
Two hands holding open the Be Specific book on the subject of Gestalt’s law of similarity with a featured typographic example
A detailed shot from one of the spreads featuring an overlay of grids demonstrating alignment to the content